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Home Hallmarking Services Why hallmarking
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As far as articles of Gold or Silver are concerned, a preparation of a certain purity of the alloy is required.

Due to the fact that in Jewels the uncertainty of correct precious metal proportion is usually a prime doubt, the necessity for the consumers protection and fair competition among the Jewelry branch led to the establishment of third party certification bodies. These bodies are usually known as Assay Offices.

Considering the above mentioned, there has been an obligation of anyone selling articles made of Gold or Silver, to submit them beforehand, for quality control and marking to the CAO.  Omission to conform constitutes a legal offence.  

It is the right of any consumer to denounce any retailer/manufacturer that sold to him an unhallmarked article made of Gold or Silver, provided that it does not belong to certain exemptions of the Law.  

Articles made of Gold below 1gr and of Silver below 3 grs  are exempted from hallmarking.  For the exact description of exemptions, please read the section «Hallmarking Law» - ¨Exemptions from Hallmarking¨.

Articles made of Gold or Silver that are submitted for hallmarking at CAO, have to undergo the following procedures :

1. Sampling
2. Quality control / Analysis
3. Marking